Getting Ready for Hypnotherapy Appointment

Getting Ready for Hypnotherapy Appointment

Here are a few things you need to do before your first hypnotherapy appointment to help you prepare:

  1. Fill in the Intake Form which I have sent you: It's important to do it beforehand so that I could take a look it through and contact you if something is missing. Also, it will save a lot of session time.
  2. Understand the process: Take some time to learn about how hypnotherapy works on this website and what to expect during a session. This can help you feel more comfortable and confident during the appointment.
  3. Set goals: Before your appointment, think about what you hope to achieve through hypnotherapy. Setting clear goals can help the hypnotherapist tailor the session to your specific needs and help you achieve your desired outcome.
  4. Dress comfortably: Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment to help you relax and feel at ease. As relaxing as possible. 
  5. Arrive early: Arrive a few minutes early to your appointment to allow time to check in and fill out any necessary paperwork. Even if it is online, I try my best to start appointment 5 minutes early. 
  6. Be honest and open: During the appointment, be honest and open with the hypnotherapist about your concerns and goals. This can help the hypnotherapist tailor the session to your needs and provide the most effective treatment.
  7. Follow any instructions: The hypnotherapist may give you specific instructions to follow before or after the session, such as avoiding caffeine or alcohol. Be sure to follow these instructions to ensure the best possible outcome.

Book a session or a call: Book One-on-One or a Call